The Akzent bookstore: International and charming

Here you are sure to find not only the newest releases of exciting novels and non-fiction books but also children´s books and travel guides. Moreover, we maintain a substantial Mallorcan section in German and the largest collection of language books, textbooks, dictionaries and many more in four different languages: Spanish, German, English and French.
Akzents can provide you with English, French and Dutch books to buy upon order. Visit us and skim through our catalogue and enjoy a cup of coffee or a refreshing drink in our comfortable bar.

Ordering school textbooks

We have considerable experience in ordering textbooks for German schools in Mallorca. Although we have a short waiting list we appreciate an early as possible submission of your orders or requests.

Delivery service

You can either collect your order or we can make appropriate arrangements to deliver it to your preferred address. Shipping costs will depend on the size and weight of your order. Payment can be made through a bank transfer.

For our holidaymakers

You do not want to carry books in your luggage? Email or phone us in advance and you can pick your books at our store or we can deliver them to your hotel or accommodation upon your arrival to Palma.

Unattainable books

Are you searching in vain for an out of print book? We can help. Akzent can also provide you with antique books


Wednesday at 12.00 am
on demand

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